Do you like the ocean? To me, it is one of the greatest habitats in the world.
It is a place where all its inhabitants have something special and they are very different from each other.
In the ocean you can find cute and pretty little fish, or huge, enormous whales.
In between these two, a myriad of different creatures share the underwater world.
One of the strangest creatures I have ever seen is the well-known Jellyfish.
Have you ever seen a jellyfish? At least you might have seen pictures of them. You might have also heard horror stories regarding these weird creatures.
Jellyfish Curious Creatures Screensaver brings some strange creatures to your desktop.
This beautiful and strange screensaver will take you on a journey to the bottom of the sea, where you will be able to discover many of the hidden wonders of this place.
However, today’s exploration will be dedicated only to those gelatinous inhabitants of the ocean: Jellyfish.
Who hasn’t heard about their “lethal” sting? Who hasn’t heard about different home remedies for their sting?
What are these creatures?
As you might have seen, there is no skeleton inside their bodies, but still, most of the times they have a well-defined shape.
You can find jellyfish of all kinds of shapes, colors and transparency.
You can also find them “almost” harmless, and very lethal.
There are some of them with the classic and well-know shape of a parachute with their long stinging tentacles that usually are not seen by divers.
As soon as the tentacles touch a pray, they inject a substance that, depending on the size of the pray, can affect it to a small or large extent.
Jellyfish Screensaver will show you 27 high quality photographs of these animals in their habitat.
You will see parachutes, balls, and more shapes.
You will surely spend a long time watching this screensaver.
The images might just mesmerize you that much that you could even forget to go back to work.